benefit company Tag

OEN April PubTalk: Workplace Transformation: Team, Tools & Tech The Coronavirus pandemic helped many of us re-order our life’s priorities and spawned The Great Resignation. As a startup founder, how do you build a team, a culture, and a workplace that gives your company the best chance for long-term success? This,...

Oregon LLC Benefit Company A majority of U.S. states have adopted benefit corporation statutes. These statutes allow founders to create a corporation and (legally) prioritize other corporate objectives besides shareholder profit. Many corporations have taken advantage of these new laws to prioritize objectives such as improving their community, empowering their workforce,...

Oregon Benefit Company In January 2014, the State of Oregon began allowing businesses to register as an "Oregon benefit company." This is the result of a law that was passed in June 2013, and which makes Oregon one of about 20 states that now have enacted a benefit company law. Oregon law...